
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

random facts

I haven't blogged in a while, so here are some random things that have been going on for us:
we are half done with beets
i have a clean kitchen (after 3 days of working on it!)
started reading 'unglued' by Lysa TerKeurst
homeschooling is still going good
today is Tuesday which means a very busy day with B. Study and Dance at night
 Still waking up in the middle of the night to pump
praying we don't get sick!
with beets and other activities, there is not much time for anything
Ella is almost 6 months old!
starting to Christmas shop, yep!
it is so much fun to teach Kate 
they've just learned the days of the week and over half of the months of the year
trying to treasure every minute with the girls
it's beautiful out today
finally made a trip to the dry cleaners 
going to organize one cupboard a day this week in the kitchen
wanting some pumpkin spice coffee
tonight I am going to sit and relax!

 started this post at my first pump of the day, and finally finishing at my 4th pump :)


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