
Sunday, October 28, 2012

super day

I feel good.  Today seemed very long.  I got to sleep in a bit, in fact, we all did. Even Ella. She got up at 7:45 and then we both fell asleep on the couch. The kids got up at 8:30 and then I put Ella back to bed! We colored a bit; I made coffee. Our day began.

Peter worked from 8:30 a.m. to 3:45 a.m. That is a long day. They shut down beets because of the cold and won't be going again until Monday. I guess I am not really caring right now! I know everything will work out. I just have peace about it.  Most of the day, the girls played well by themselves. I tried to suggest things to do and do crafts with them, but they weren't really too interested. They just wanted to play dolls :)  I suppose they are getting sick of me!  In a way, it makes me feel guilty that they wanted to play all day together. They didn't even really fight too much. In fact, they were more loud and giggly than anything.  By supper time though, Maddy began to act more like Ella's age (literally) and started to cry about everything. This is a result in zero naps in about a week or two. I really can't remember the last time she napped. I got to cuddle her at least. My little Maddy.

After the kids were tucked in, I went upstairs to work out.  Yes.   I had the motivation!  I went on the elliptical for 25 minutes and then decided to clean up some of the upstairs while I was up there.  This felt great! Oh the things I could do while alone!!!!!!  I hadn't felt like this in a long time!  I was so worked up that I decided that I was just going to stay up until midnight and pump and then sleep through the night. Usually when I am very active at night, it takes me a really long time to fall asleep. So this was perfect. I cleaned out all the storage bins (went through most of them and sorted clothes, threw lots of boxes away, old sheets, etc) and realized I have a whole bin of 6-12 month clothing I didn't even know about!  Jack pot.

I prayed with Peter and he went to bed and I washed some bottles/pump parts, packed diaper bag and backpacks for church, snacks, etc. and now I am pumping again.  I haven't been taking my fenugreek for a few days and don't notice any decrease. It hadn't really been working anyway so I hope that if I do decide to take them again, they will work more effectively.  Time for bed now.... my time is up

Saturday, October 27, 2012

awhile back.....

I took these pictures two weeks ago and haven't been able to post them until now. It was a pretty quick shoot in hopes of getting a family photo for their christmas card. After we finished, we ate supper together. :) My kind of photoshoot!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

weekend in minneapolis

This weekend we went to Minneapolis and had lots of fun.  But we are all so. very. tired. still!!  The kids have been sleeping in; I would love to sleep in. I wonder how long we would all sleep in if there were no interruptions?  It has still been a busy week. Tuesday I was supposed to have Ella's 6 month appointment but I got to reschedule for next Tuesday. We had dance class that night and luckily it rained so that Ella could stay with Peter.  :)   I know, most farmers are complaining about the rain but I don't mind it. I trust God completely and if we need rain, He will give it to us.

I have been trying like crazy to catch up on homeschooling. It is always fun to go on trips but hard to come back to loads of laundry and trying to pick up after all the things from the car get brought in and shuffled through the house.  Luckily before we left I really had done a good job cleaning the house and doing laundry. I still did about 4-5 loads though when I got home. How is that possible from a 4 day trip?!   Peter asked me what I was thankful for yesterday as we were about to fall asleep.  I told him I was thankful for mine and Kate's leaf craft we did because it was fun and also for doing our reading lesson. It has been fun to watch her "get it" when it comes to reading.  Yesterday she read about 5 or 6 words on her own! We are truly learning things like days of the week and all but three months of the twelve.  Even maddy knows most of them.  This is great!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I don't always write in my thankful journal. But I do think. And I do thank. Today was one of those days where I closed my eyes and thanked even when there was no pen in sight. I thanked for going to bible study this morning when it would have been easier to stay home. I thanked as I drove my girls to ballet and watched their lips move in sync to the music. I thanked as I rocked our littlest one, Ella, to sleep. That's when it dawned on me. There's not much time left of this. Regardless of not being able to nurse her, I get to feed her a bottle of milk that is produced and labored especially for her. And I get to rock her. I get to watch her sweet little eyelashes flutter and slowly close. I get to grasp her tiny little hand. And tears came... and though they did not fall, I thanked.  I tried to remember what it felt like to rock my other girls. Such times I treasured; now gone. And tears came again. But I smiled because they are so precious and it is my goal to be joyful and thankful each day. What blessings that brings to my heart so full.

random facts

I haven't blogged in a while, so here are some random things that have been going on for us:
we are half done with beets
i have a clean kitchen (after 3 days of working on it!)
started reading 'unglued' by Lysa TerKeurst
homeschooling is still going good
today is Tuesday which means a very busy day with B. Study and Dance at night
 Still waking up in the middle of the night to pump
praying we don't get sick!
with beets and other activities, there is not much time for anything
Ella is almost 6 months old!
starting to Christmas shop, yep!
it is so much fun to teach Kate 
they've just learned the days of the week and over half of the months of the year
trying to treasure every minute with the girls
it's beautiful out today
finally made a trip to the dry cleaners 
going to organize one cupboard a day this week in the kitchen
wanting some pumpkin spice coffee
tonight I am going to sit and relax!

 started this post at my first pump of the day, and finally finishing at my 4th pump :)


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

an off day

well it's happened.  I've had that really bad first homeschooling experience. It's been a bad day all around. I really tried to get out of it... but I guess when things start going bad, I start becoming bitter and not wanting to pray through it.  Ella wouldn't give me a break, our water got shut off for part of the day, the girls were wild and tired and I just couldn't keep up. I couldn't get supper to peter so he won't eat until 2am tonight.  I yelled, I got mad, I cried,  I pleaded.  Really, a day I hope to forget.

His mercies are new every morning.
Lamentations 3:23