
Wednesday, February 29, 2012


ah, I finally get to write! The girls are "resting" now, I think Maddy fell asleep but not sure about Kate. They are so behind. Yesterday I got up for my bi-monthly doctor appointment and Maddy walks into the dining room saying "I have a bad cough and really really lots of boogers in my nose".  I couldn't help but giggle yet feel sorry for her. Kids seem to handle colds much better than adults, though she wasn't as whiny as she normally is, especially since she had to get dragged around all over grand forks. Today I noticed more whining but she has been doing good. Last night she was up a couple of times-- I didn't even hear her. Poor Peter got up with her and brought her back to her own room to sleep so that she would not interrupt kate.  I really hope I don't get it... my stomach is already sore to the touch and also sore when I cough, so that would not be good for me. My doctor says it could be a possible hernia (or a developing one). Everything with baby checked out normal. I would say my thoughts on boy/girl ratio would be 60% girl, 40% boy. We still don't have definite names; I'm not fretting!

We stopped at Pier1 and looked at tables and counter stools. I think we found some good bar stools but still haven't 100% decided on a table. Ordering online is scary for us, especially since it costs so much to ship and you just never know what kind of quality it is! We are hoping to find one around here. We found two that we really, really like, but one is too long, and the other one is round, which we were hoping for square. I am not totally ruling it out though... I would secretly LOVE to see it work. (photo below) I think it would look really nice. Kate has a dentist appointment (filling #2) on friday so I am going to go back to look at it again.

 This table was the original table we were going to order but want to make sure we can find one around here before we order online. Just the table, and maybe the bench.

  We also picked out hardware for our cabinets and such. I feel kind of bad for our kitchen planner b/c we keep switching our mind on so many things. I always classified myself as someone that has good taste, but I realize I am only able to pick out things when I can visually see it. I am not a good visualizer. I definitely know what I want, but I have to search and search and search for it before I can make a decision that it will work. I know what kind of table I want, yet I haven't 100% found it (or its too expensive) along with so many other things.  It's hard when there really aren't a lot of resources in the area.

Anyway, this morning was supposed to be a 'snow day'. Kinda sad, but thankful too because bad weather usually means accidents. Peter got to stay home nonetheless so i was super happy. I let him sleep in a bit and got up with maddy and then the morning we spent doing some laundry, dishes, and other little things. I cleaned part of the bathroom, emptied garbage, put some clothes away, folded more, vacuumed, and made a meal plan for the week.  At the pace I walk, it literally took all morning to do things that would take me an hour. Peter on the other hand, did so much. He even made lunch and unloaded the dw, loaded again, swept the floor, and other things that I didn't even ask him to do. It feels good when we work as a team, especially since I move like a turtle! I kissed him and hugged him really hard and made sure to tell him how much I appreciate it... he literally saved me hours and hours of simple cleaning. Well anyway, I better go. I have a small fryer chicken in the oven... I hope it's done on time. I've never cooked one at 225 for 4 hours before. Maybe I should have covered it!

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