
Friday, February 3, 2012

new pictures

I've had a chance to take some really fun photos over the last week...and it's been especially fun to put a 'watermark' on them! Of course when I print them it won't be on there, but to me it makes the photo look more dramatic and real. I had ordered a bunch of photos the other day and a photo book too, and as I was looking through the pictures I had a huge smile on my face the whole time. Yes, a photo a day is sometimes a burden, and editing can be too especially when you don't feel like it or busy...but it is TOTALLY worth it! I just love doing 365... it makes me accountable to taking pictures. I was hoping today to get kate in some of the frosty ones... but we'll see. My tailbone is really hurting today for some reason so it is hard to move around. We plan to go to my nephews game tonight so I'll be sitting on hard bleachers.. hopefully it will go okay! Here's the rest of them.

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