
Tuesday, January 17, 2012


We are back from our trip to Minneapolis. Of course I was extremely sad to leave the girls especially since we get away usually once a year for a weekend to ourselves. I'm just not used to leaving them for such a long time. Once we got on the road though, I was just fine and I knew they would have lots of fun. Peter admitted this might have been the best trip to the cities yet.... for me it is not quite true just because of the added body stress from pregnancy but all in all, we got to most of the stores we wanted and rather quickly! I didn't spend a lot of time looking at clothing since nothing fits, so we were in and out of stores basically just to browse. After numerous HOURS of cleaning out cabinets, shelves, closets, etc, I told myself I was not going to buy something I didn't think I would use or impulse buy. I also prayed a lot, which might sound silly to some but - God was so faithful. I knew what I was supposed to buy and it made it tons easier. I felt like I was making good and wise choices and everything I had searched for on pinterest or on the internet, I found a pretty close replica of what I had imagined in my mind. I love using pinterest because I usually know what I want, I just can't explain it well- I need visuals to help me explain. So I search for a certain thing on pinterest or on the internet until I find it, and then I pin it to help me explain to others, such as our kitchen planner. It's been so helpful.

It was so good to get back to our house. Especially. My. Bed. I missed it so much. I have stayed at a lot of hotels in the past few months, and especially the last couple years, and the best one I always want to go back to is Sofitel. I just love their beds.  The hotel itself isn't a hotel that we'd spend a lot of time at because it's primarily a business hotel, but the beds are so nice!!  We stayed at the Hilton Marquette downtown, and it was such a good location for us. We walked out of our hotel into a mall and access to skylines that brought us to Macy's, Target, and other stores. It also brought us to The Melting Pot and Hell's Kitchen, which are restaurants we both enjoyed. It had an executive lounge that we got free upgrade to (photo to your left) that served a nice breakfast, appetizers from 5-7, and juice, treats, and pop at night. To us we wouldn't have paid to get it- so it was nice that it was free.  The beds were normal... sleepable for a pregnancy gal, definitely better than most. The first night we slept horrible because we had coffee too late in the afternoon and sirens kept us up; the second night we both slept like a rock, and the third night we slept good but had trouble falling asleep due to again, coffee at 4:30. Shame on us!

Today was a slow day putting everything back that I could, washing sheets & clothes, and of course entertaining Maddy. I hardly got a thing done. I spent the morning coloring, reading, playing ABCs with her and making lunch. That is just fine with me! With Peter's help tonight after they went to bed, we got the place cleaned up and the dishwasher started. We also enjoyed a nice fire and played Go Fish with the kids. So, that is my weekend for ya.... we are really starting to get serious about the kitchen. Just an hour ago we were sent a timeline of all things that needed to get done for installation. It is really fun, overwhelming, and nerve-wracking all at the same time!  I just hope we can get it all done in our timeline... we certainly don't need to have a baby, going through a kitchen renovation and possible planting.  Wisdom Lord, wisdom! I know He will provide!

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