
Sunday, January 1, 2012

naps, naps, and more naps

Welcome to 2012 ! It hardly seems real. Today I enjoyed a nice two hour nap. Pretty much every day since Christmas I've had a two hour nap; not to mention the week prior! and probably the week before that. It seems like I've been overly tired for a long time and I'm just waiting to get out of this rut. This week I have an appointment and i'm going to bring up some things like tea, tiredness (maybe my iron is really low) and a couple other things that I'm not remembering right now.

I've also decided that we need to use our time more wisely when Peter is home and getting things done around the house. He cleaned the basement this weekend--sweeping, throwing out trash, washing the appliances like the washer/dryer, fridge, etc. He did such a great job and I am so proud of him. I was so impressed and told him about 5 times. I wanted him to know how much I appreciated it. It wasn't messy to begin with, but just for it to be "clean" makes me feel better. I cleaned out one kitchen cupboard, a closet, and managed to get rid of lots of things we aren't using. We plan to give away, or store a couple things upstairs. I feel like when we have less things, it is more manageable. So, simplifying is on the agenda this week. I'm really, really hoping that my energy level will go back up. Yesterday I took a nap in the morning and another 2 hour nap in the afternoon. To me that is just plain odd! Then today, we slept in until 9 almost, and then another 2 hour nap. Anyway, I'm writing this down because I want to be accountable to do at least one or two cupboards a day/closets, anything. Just any type of decluttering and throwing out.  That is my goal!

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