
Monday, January 9, 2012

lovely weekend

 Kate making her daddy a card for his birthday

Today is Monday and Peter is gone for three days. We are still debating what we should do. Peter already admitted it was almost making him sick having to be away from us for three days. I just hugged him real tight... thankful that he cares to be with us. It's not like any of his meetings are for his leisure. They are all about farming which we always hope are beneficial to the upcoming year. So far they have been... though we know his marketing and crop planning is only due to prayer of God's wisdom!  (But the meetings sure do help)

My plan was to just rest this week and have nothing really planned... going to Fargo might take a lot of energy, lugging the kids around and heavy suitcases myself with this growing belly. When we stay in a hotel we always have to bring fans, and many other things even though it's just for a day- but it begins to add up when you have to carry it yourself! I am sure we will go, still... I will just have to keep it moderate today in what I do. I am, for sure, looking forward to a day with nowhere to go and nothing pressing to do.  I might make a stop at hobby lobby, or their TJ Max. Can't ever get enough of those stores!

Peter's birthday was on Saturday which was a total success. We had so much fun. Since going through our marriage devotional every night, we have expressed to each other disappointments or frustrations we have. One of his frustrations is that I expect everything to be perfect, which I do admit is a huge struggle for me. So, to not add any pressure to him on his birthday, I made a vow that everything would be as laid back as possible. We would still need to make the house 'presentable' but if the dishes were not done, or there were other non-important things lying around, that would be OKAY! And it was. The night before we did some of the dishes and other things in the kitchen, straightened up the living room and that was it.  I got up early and set up his presents, made a birthday card for him, and did a small devotion before everyone got up. Everything was really laid back and fun. We enjoyed time with our friends all day and then had family over at night for supper and dessert.  Such a lovely day

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