
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

a room a day

oh nuts. I have a cold again. My nose is usually plugged and now I am starting to have an itchy throat. Depending on the severity of the plugged nose, I might take that over coughing. Coughing was so miserable the two whole months i had it. It just never seemed to give in and every time I coughed, I felt my whole body ache and I'd especially get cramps. I was so grateful for last night because I was positive I'd have to sleep on the couch, but I fell asleep fairly quickly and didn't cough too much. I am pretty sure having 3 pillows to prop my head up helped.

Today was my 15 week appointment. I mostly feel pregnant every day but sometimes when I look in the mirror I really have to take a second look. I feel the strains of pregnancy but not many kicks for  reminders. Today I felt a whole lot more. It's usually at night, (like right now :) ) but today while in G.F., I felt some too. Today had its ups and downs but overall it was pretty fun. My appointment went well, I got a flu shot, I got some maternity clothing (though I got three things, I think I will take them back to get a larger size so that I can grow into them, depending on how baggy it is. They fit perfect now with a little room to grow but I'd like them to fit 'til the end of my pregnancy.......wish I would have thought of that then!)  I got a shirt, another pair of pants, and some black pants for church. To this day I own two maternity jeans, two maternity shirts, and one dress pants.  I probably don't need much more but it is nice to have some variety, especially during the holiday get-to-togethers.  I really can't wear anything snug... I get cramps.

I also purchased a bunch of things for our harvest banquet on sunday and plan to do a project for that. We'll see how much time I get. I picked up a few different cards I plan to use for Christmas cards (I like to see how they turn out before I order 200!), got some things dry-cleaned, and got lots of groceries. Tomorrow I visit with two friends (at different times) and then have my bible study at night.  We had the girls pick up their toys tonight~ extra well~ and I did the dishes/made supper while Peter brought the girls outside. After the girls went to bed, we worked on our bedroom. Honestly, we dusted furniture, washed walls, and took everything dusty out of the room. This will most likely be a 3 day project (or 4 or 5) but we felt it was especially necessary because we've been sleeping very poorly lately. Tomorrow we will take all furniture and vacuum behind furniture and under beds, curtains are in the wash now, tomorrow bedding (which is done every 1-2 weeks anyway) and sometime maybe tomorrow or the next we will take everything off shelves and dust and put back. This means we'll get to throw out a bunch of stuff (hopefully)  Yesterday I threw out a ton of magazines. I tried not to look at them because I just knew i'd think "oh, I'll read that soon" and I never do. I did keep one though...   so, tomorrow, or thursday I really need to throw or sell some of the shoes/purses i have in my closet and it will be nice to have the clothes more organized. I bought two more tubs for the storage of clothing for both maddy and I, and those will hopefully go upstairs sometime this week.  Ah, motivation. I love it, but it is sure tiring. Washing walls really made me realize that it doesn't take very long. I might just do a room a day.

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