
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

first snowfall

Today...friends, was a good day. Since Sunday had been another great day, I should have known Monday would be a day of discouragement. Nothing really went wrong, my spirit just seemed down. I felt worthless again, much like my feelings a month ago. It was just one of those days that I had to really just shake it off. It finally got better once I brought Maddy to ECFE and dropped Kate off at a friends house, and got to see other moms. I was happy that Maddy got to go to 'school' and do some fun stuff with just me. Usually it is all about Kate, so it was really nice to have a night with her. I also got to talk to Kate's teachers and they had nothing but great things to say about her, and told me lots of neat details, like who she plays with, what she likes to do... etc. All things that Kate doesn't normally share. I do hear a lot about a friend that she plays with, so i can put two and two together most days. When I got home, I listened/watched a Beth Moore dvd while exercising on my elliptical. That felt so good!

Today I got to spend more time with Maddy and cleaned the house off and on throughout the morning. It was so pretty to see the snow falling outside while I had an actual clean living room, clean dining room, and candles lit in the house. I finished my meal plan for the week on Monday night so I was prepared for the meals today and worked ahead for supper. By the way, supper was a hit. Not with the kids, of course, but with Peter! He raved over both meals, which made me feel so good because earlier I had prayed that I'd be able to bless and encourage him. If you hadn't read before, one of his love languages is making meals for him (service) and so this was even encouraging to me that I could do a good job. When he got home from work, we had some coffee, a snack, and played outside. Following supper we roasted marshmallows and had homemade hot cocoa. What a day.

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