
Friday, October 14, 2011

tea for 1

so anyway, this is what my facebook has looked like for 2 weeks now. They keep saying it is going to go "live" soon and it never does. That kind of stinks. Only those who have added this 'timeline' application can see other profiles who have done this... I really like it because then it doesn't show all the places I've visited and commented on. I really dislike when people go to my profile to snoop.

Morning sickness again tonight.  But that's okay. I got to visit Peter in the field and brought him some supper. I made buns last minute and i've already had 2 just now.  I'm hungry.  I also have lots of dishes to do and Sunday school material to go over and beth moore bible study and bible readings and cards to make (singing in a wedding tomorrow) and clothes in the wash.. yikes! I am being quite lazy and wasting time on the computer. No wonder I am behind! I have no one to blame but myself. I just don't have energy.  Otherwise today went well. The girls are beginning to claw each other which, I am a bit worried about. They've got scratch marks on a few places and I just wonder where they got this lashing out at each other. I think it is mostly Maddy. She seems to be a lot like me. One example is her love for breads/grains (heart).

 oh yes, and it is friday night and i am going to be doing dishes. That is actually okay. I've got to get them done and it is best to do them when the kids are asleep.  Peter informed me if things go smoothly, we have roughly 5  (FIVE FIVE FIVE FIVE!!!!!!!!) days left of beets. I'm not excited.

My 'pregnancy' tea is whistling so I guess I'll go and enjoy that! Wish me luck on my songs tomorrow. 

PS, do you love, like me, when your all the dishes in your dishwasher comes out dirty because the little soap dispenser door didn't open?  and you really needed those dishes to be clean?  me too!

1 comment:

  1. My soap dispenser doesn't always shut on my dishwasher!
    Love your new fb are so good at that technology stuff- I used to be but not so much anymore!
    Remember to take time for yourself to rest too--growing a baby inside of you is hard, very important work!!
