
Wednesday, October 26, 2011


This is going to be very random, but the last few days I have been feeling much better than I ever have. On Monday however, I ended up eating way too much and had an upset stomach the first part of the night making it impossible to sleep. That is really my only complaint.

I had a really good bible study (s) this week; one being Beth Moore and I can't even tell you how may things I underlined and felt that God was really talking just to me. How much encouragement means - I could totally relate to that. Another thing was just having hope and realizing that Gods ways are always going to be right, and who are we to question him when we know nothing about it! So that was also very humbling. Job 38:1-2, and Ecclesiastes 5:1-2 were both very powerful to me. I've memorized "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit rots the bones" and now I am onto "Where there are many words, there is much folly". I can't exactly find it in proverbs but that is what i'm memorizing. It is so true and i've remembered it especially with my talks with Peter.  
I'm trying very hard not to take naps during nap time, mostly because I tend to get very groggy and it seems hard to take just a 20 minute nap. I end up sleeping really hard and that makes it impossible to get through a hard sleep cycle in that amount of time. So, I've MADE myself get up and do some organizing. It is completely overwhelming to think of all the organizing I'd have to do before I am satisfied, but.... one section at a time. Yesterday I went through the living room and brought most of the toys back upstairs (where they belong!), and set out baskets of things that belonged in Kates room and our room.  Today I worked on the magazine situation. This summer I bought actual magazine holders so I put all the magazines that seemed to be floating around or resting in places they didn't belong. Then I cleaned under the coffee table-- all the old albums that just need to be put upstairs. I went through the rest of the photos I'd ordered awhile ago and put them in the kids' albums, along with changing out some of the really old photos in frames. I then went to the Hoosier cabinet we have and emptied out drawers, mail, etc. I threw away a lot of stuff (forced myself) and now just to put them in proper places. That always seems to be the biggest chore. I can't decide which place next I'll do. It should probably be the kitchen but I fear that'd take months!
Tomorrow I leave for a couple days to quilt with my mother in law. I am excited to go, yet of course sad because I will miss the kids and Peter. I don't want this to be my only chance for a get-away; I do hope to get to go shopping with some of my friends one day, just for a day, so I hope Peter is willing to watch the kids every now and then. It will be nice to spend some time with my mother in law, too, since I hardly even see her these days. I'm hoping to pretty much finish my quilt and work on some pillows. Please pray for good sleep for me... I always have trouble at home, in my own home, so I can't imagine how it will go somewhere else. Also pray for baby. I feel like Satan has been trying to scare me that something is wrong with the baby. Just because I haven't loved the pregnancy and I think if something were to happen God would tell me...."be thankful in every situation".  I just shouldn't take for granted a pregnancy. That is all... hoping for a nice, relaxing weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kristen! You won the Starbucks giveaway on my blog Eat Drink Pretty. Send me an email ( with your contact info and address. Thanks!
