
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

worth blogging for

Today was both a happy and sad day. As I was driving Kate to her first day of pre-school I was suddenly reflecting on her as a tiny baby. How little she once was, in my arms, being nursed and rocked to sleep. They don't kid when they tell you "they grow up fast". It's really true. I was happy for her because she gets to experience new friends, teachers, independence, and new fun crafts that I don't always get to provide. It was even worse when I got home and the house was totally silent. I missed her and wanted her to come back. But as the day progressed and it came time to pick her up, Maddy and I were both excited to see her. She had a smile that was glued to her face as she talked about how fun school was and what she got to do. All day I heard snippets of things she did throughout the day. For her first day of school, I made her a dirt cake with some gummy worms on top. Though now, she is tucked in bed (and soon will I!) I look forward to spending tomorrow with both her and Maddy and hopefully be the best mom I can be!

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