
Sunday, August 7, 2011


It has been a fun week at Vacation Bible School. I didn't help much, but I did take lots of pictures. I tried to edit this week as little as I could because I wanted to get other things done, but I used Lightroom which made it much quicker!! I worked on a slideshow yesterday, which literally took all day. I first tried to burn it to a DVD- that didn't work. Then I tried other things...finally after several hours of uploading, it posted to You-Tube at midnight. Bummer though... poor connection at church so it didn't even get played. 

This week I plan to do a lot of baking and cooking, and have my dentist appointment scheduled for Wednesday. (boo) I have attempted and failed several times to make a meal plan--they might be combining towards the end of the week so I can't really plan for those days in case they change. I suppose it would be okay to have things as a back-up. I am really tired after the last few days-- I feel like I have been going non-stop. I could have used a rest this afternoon but I was in the kitchen preparing for our picnic tonight at Florian park. I WILL go to bed early tonight though! It's already 9:30 and I am pretty exhausted... I can hardly keep my eyes open. Mondays are always so incredibly busy because I try to catch up after the house gets trashed from the weekend, not to mention loads and loads of laundry, meal prep for the week, and tomorrow we have a crew coming to do shingles... so lunch will be prepared here. Must sleep soon so I can get up early!!

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