
Thursday, July 14, 2011


so far today i've made the rub for my pulled pork, cut the stems off my strawberries, I still have to actually make jam and cook the pork, and make the bbq sauce, and make the caramel corn, and I want to exercise, i haven't read yet, yikes! It's only 8am. I am still finishing up laundry from the previous week and I am not quite used to the schedule now.. it is hard to come back to having a set schedule when for the last 5 days I've just gotten to do whatever I wanted to do (basically) -- I could get up and exercise, didn't have to worry about housework, we got to go where ever we wanted, didn't have to cook.. etc. It was a challenging day for me yesterday, which is sad, but I know it will get back to normal next week. All this constant moving is really wearing me out.  I just wanted to write a little -- but now I have to get back to work before the girls wake up.  It has been refreshing that they slept in a bit...kate came in the room about 6:15 and rolled around for quite a while so I am thankful that she slept in. Praying for strength in areas like parenting where I can be gentle and loving when the kids are trying. I cannot rely on my own strength, that's for sure.

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