
Thursday, July 21, 2011

shelf is up!

After swimming lessons on Tuesday, we decided we should go to Grand Forks for a few needed items. One stop, of course, was Amazing Grains (healthfood store) -- I began looking up some recipes for bread on Peter's Iphone and didn't really find much. We also decided that we need to come up with a good flour mix so that we didn't have to spend a ton of money buying premade mixes since that can get expensive. I think the more types of flours you h ave, the better. So I bought a few more types of flour to add to my selection and voila! A bread mixture, in my mind, that is pretty good! I thought, honestly, that the bread tasted like a wheat bread, except the texture was still a little different, but really, that is not going to change in a non-gluten bread.  I served some with lunch and he asked for more, so I suppose that is a good sign.  I didn't copy an actual recipe, but followed two or three and added what flours and amounts I thought would make a good bread.Anyway, here's what we've been up to since Saturday:

We did end up getting our shelf up.  It needs a little work but I am happy with it. Today will be nice because we don't have a lot planned and we can really just enjoy our time, whatever we end up doing. Swimming lessons have been so much fun and hopefully today we can stay to swim a bit longer than we have been. Maddy doesn't love it, but at least she is in the water! More later.

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