
Monday, July 4, 2011

fun weekend.

It was a really fun and eventful weekend. I can't even remember really what we all did... Sunday I would say was our most full day of the weekend. Peter ended up working most of the day on Saturday but we visited my parents Saturday night and had a fire. Maddy and Kate loved the smores and all the treats they got. Sunday we went to our in-laws church mostly because we really needed groceries, and I didn't want to have to go during the week because this week is already filling up! I'm really glad we got to celebrate July 4th even if it was a day early... it just feels a little weird today not to be doing anything. I am used to being at the lake doing fireworks. Today Emily was here and I feel like we never really stopped once. I am definitely tired and my back hurts a little bit, but it could be because I lifted weights today and picked strawberries.

The rest of the week seems like it will be lots of fun, and especially since Friday we get to leave for Minneapolis! We are staying at comfort suites downtown, Minneapolis. I feel like when I get my hopes up or get really excited about something (such as this weekend) something happens to steal my joy. If you can remember to pray that Satan is far away from us, not looking to squish my excitement! We don't have any set plans but a few ideas that might be fun. I'd really like to bike downtown, near parks or some scenic area. I also hope to get some good sales!

 My MIL made this with an oat/whole wheat flour blend. Really good!

 Gluten Free Peach Crisp made especially for my honey.  Tonight I also remade some GF banana bread with eggs and the Vegan butter instead of the oil. It really did taste more like normal banana bread, not quite a GF texture. The eggs really do make a difference.  We noticed these with the pancakes we made, too.
 Yep, me and my white legs picking some strawberries! Below were the two buckets I took home. I suppose I have to make some jam this week, and will most likely have to freeze the rest since we're leaving.

Maddy has been getting better and better with going on the potty... though because we haven't been home much, going number 2 has been an issue. Yesterday her poop was hard and today it is really soft and not formed at all, really. So she's had a couple accidents with #2. I am just pleased it's going well before our trip. Well, these two kids have got to get to bed. more later this week!

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