
Monday, July 18, 2011


{I} have very little time to write, but thought i'd give an update on what we're up to.  Today I was told by Peter that I was a heathen.  Not true, even though I did skip church! The kids slept in finally after 10 and 11:00 bedtimes this weekend, + zero naps.  I don't regret it.. It's been nice to be at home for once. This afternoon I edited photos most of nap time, which is my kind of relaxing! I love looking through all the pictures that were taken... it makes me smile (and sometimes frown when they aren't in focus) but it is such a reminder of how much fun I have taking photos. 

Later today after nap, we went to Florian with some friends. It seemed like the perfect weather... not too hot, nor too cold. By 6:30 it was nice and calm, and warm... perfect. We didn't get home until after 9 and the girls, again, got a late bedtime (and me too.... I can't sleep :(  )   This week seems like there's going to be lots to do... we are preparing for a bridal shower that really snuck up on us! a birthday party, swimming lessons, and hot weather. The garden really needs to be weeded, grass mowed, and on Friday I have to somehow decorate a cake. I know it's a silly thing to pray for, but I am praying that I am not too picky and that God would give me wisdom on how to make the cake! Somewhere in there we have to decorate the home the b.shower is going to be hosted in. I am hoping it is not too chaotic.  Well, I really should get to bed... but at least I got a lot done on here.  More later

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