
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

our god saves

I am absolutely, 100% tired. Physically AND mentally.  Today has been a really good day. I didn't wake up early or work out, or do my readings (plan to do that tonight) but I took advantage of nap time and got a lot done. Last night when we got back from grocery shopping, I rushed to get our turkey and potato ready for supper. (We left the Turkey cooking in the oven for 4 hours). Peter kindly did up the dishes and I gave the kids a bath. I can't even tell you how helpful that was. That saved me a lot of time!

When the kids went to bed, I organized three cupboards, our baking center, cleaned up our messy table, put away dishes, and swept the floor. I got rid of things that didn't belong in the kitchen and it just felt so good to get some of that stuff done. I sprayed the oven last night, too, so that when I woke up, I could clean it. I cleaned the top oven first while the kids were finishing up breakfast and waited to do the bottom oven when they went down for a nap. it is CLEAN now and I put aluminum foil to catch any further spills. I also made some black bean brownies, prepared for supper tonight, sewed two border strips onto my quilt, and messed around with some of kate's projects for her birthday. I also prepared some homemade Turkey stock in the crock-pot. That will cook for about 20 or so hours. Peter played with the girls so I could finish up the dishes again from supper and then the girls and I made some strawberry - rhubarb gluten free muffins. They fought a little but Kate really loves to pour and mix.... she had lots of fun. I am really looking forward to baking with her in the future, Lord willing.

Tonight I plan to sit with the heating pad if you know what I mean, and read Philemon and part of Hebrews. Tomorrow we have a fun play date planned with a family from church.

Today I tried to reflect and pray for the Haiti Rescue Center.  You can read what is happening there.... can't imagine. This is their latest update:
Twins ill again. Both back on IV's. Another child from RC has 105.6 fever and having seizures. Another child from clinic today on oxygen. Long night ahead of us.
Please, please pray.  All I can do is think of my children being in that situation. I get so dissapointed when I have to take care of my children when I am ill - I could not imagine all of us being sick at once and not being able to rest in an actual bed. But on a chair. and knowing one of my children might not make it. 
Our God Saves

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