
Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I don't really have much to write about today, except that it seemed long. I am kind of wanting this week to be over just because it's so busy and filled with activities. Tonight I met some bible study friends for supper and had some ribs. It was so nice to get away and socialize. I had a nice workout day today but seemed hungrier than normal... is that because I burned more calories?  

Yesterday I was so overwhelmed with all kinds of stories of suffering, dying, pain, etc... especially among the little ones. Listening to radio shows they sometimes speak of child prostitutes and etc... can you even imagine? I read yesterday about this little boy who got thrown into a wall and is now suffering possible brain damage and is paralyzed on his right side all because of abuse.  I mean, there are definitely times I can't take another possible minute with my children, but could you imagine them ever suffering the way some of these kids have to?  My heart just aches for them... It is a reminder to be more thankful and to keep praying for these young kids.  It makes me excited when heaven is our home.  It also makes me afraid of any friends or loved ones who do not get that if they don't change their life.... I won't see them there.

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