
Thursday, February 3, 2011


Yesterday was a fun day.  I went to Fargo with a friend and we picked up my new elliptical! I know previously I said we couldn't afford one, but the Lord is good and provided again. I have been feeling a nudge that He wants me to take better care of my body... believe it or not God calls us to do that too! We went to the mall, to Joannes, and a bunch of other small stores.  I can't believe we spent 5 hours in Fargo, but it went so quick! I got some cute fabric and I also got two Euro pillows and 4 throw pillows (I will need to sew covers on them) for an unbeatable price.  That was my find for the day. I also got a shirt to make a dress for Kate out of at a thrift store and a ton of books for the kids to read.

When we got home, we got the elliptical upstairs. It was really tricky getting it upstairs but after about 10 minutes, we got it up there. For a while it was starting to get really heavy-- I didn't know quite how we'd do it. I am very thankful that my feet didn't slip on the stairs because it would have come crashing down on top of me.

This morning's work out was not so easy...I haven't worked out since the summer. It was tough to get up earlier but i feel really good right now. I am drinking my shake mix.. and will hopefully make it through the day without cheating :)  Well, it looks like we are all done with breakfast so I better get going... more later!

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