
Thursday, February 17, 2011

catching up

Today I finally got, sort of, caught up around the house. I cleaned the kitchen and got some garbage emptied. I had voice lessons today and as I was leaving Warren I stopped by Annabelles Wish for a tiny bit, which i NEVER go there, but I thought maybe I'd just look. I found a cute, but rather large, purse! And a really nice billfold that i have been wanting for a few years, but hadn't found one.I did think it was big, but when I brought it home, Peter confirmed it and now I am a bit shy to lug it around... oh well :)  I am so excited that tomorrow we don't have anywhere to go and can just be with each other.  I hope it can be a fun, yet productive day. I know there's a few things that we could get done and it would take obviously less time if both of us did them. Peter is always so supportive of my working out so I am glad that I will be able to work out twice tomorrow. It is always so much easier to do it in smaller increments rather than a whole 45 minutes. Sometimes I just don't have 45 minutes.

I thought I would post a couple of photos from my mini photo shoot with a friend from bible study.  I hope she doesn't mind... not many people read so it's probably okay. Let me know Kari!  Off to bed!

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