
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Early Risin'

I have been feeling nudged the last few days to get up early... either to exercise, or to read. Here is a good post about that: (reading part)

Today was a really great day! We woke up earlier and got ready to go to GF. I shopped at Joannes for some of my birthday present... i got a huge mat and a square ruler, and then some fabric that was on sale. I have some craft plans up my sleeve.  Then Peter dropped us off at the mall so that he could go to his guitar lessons, and the girls were so good! (PTL) We shopped around and i picked out a sweater and used a gift card. I bought peter something for his birthday and then we ate. Then we went to Gap and I got a couple shirts that were on sale for Kate, and then some gifts for my nieces whose birthday's coming up at the end of January. We did groceries at Target and luckily a sucker occupied them most of the time and enjoyed some ice cream on the way home. Tonight I am going to a bible study meeting at a friends house, and tomorrow I get to go to my morning bible study which i haven't been to for almost 2 months. I am excited to get to go. We are doing 3 days in one meeting, and two days the next week with a video. So, it is broken up quite a bit, and i've been able to keep up that way, doing two different bible studies. I've been keeping up with book reading (NY resolution) and also have made bread this week.. yay!  Anyway, this was supposed to be a short post.  Gotta go for now!

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