
Friday, December 31, 2010

This upcoming year I hope to...

Do more crafts. I feel like I have really gotten lazy and unmotivated when the kids have gone for a nap. My hope is that I can do crafts at least 3 times a week... even for 20 minutes...just something crafty. My dream is to make an outfit for the kids, or even myself, WITHOUT HELP! I am tired of always needing to get help.

Finish a book. I have about 3 books going...I can't seem to ever finish one. Besides my normal devotions and bible studies (and my dream to do crafts) it is hard to finish a book. But that would be a goal.

Start my diet (again). I did fairly well in the summer, but I feel like I am doing less activity in the winter, and really need to step it up with my shakes again. I don't have any type of exercising machine anymore, and we talked about getting one but now we can't really afford it. Pilates will have to do!

Do more baking. It would be nice to once a week, get in the habit of making bread, buns, and healthy treats. I used to be good at this, but ever since December hit.... I have hardly done anything!

Be more organized:  I have begun purchasing more bins and things for organizing.. especially since the girls got so many gifts... I have been really strict on clean up before they go onto the next item. Slowly they are learning!

We don't have any plans for tonight...which is okay... it has been really nice to stay home and enjoy each other. Last night we had our weekly date night (a day early) and it was so much fun. The truffles I made turned out great, too.   Praying for safety and good health the upcoming year.... God bless!

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