
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

in need

I hate to be so depressing, but I am so sad about Haiti. More and more kids are getting if it wasn't hard for them to stay alive because of poverty, now this.  I feel so helpless, I can only hope God will answer my prayers. I hope you will consider praying for them during this awful time. Visit their link.

I can't remember the last time I wrote on here; it wasn't too long ago but still feels like a while ago.  I haven't been up to very much, Mondays are my days when I try to get all the laundry done and most of the cleaning or straightening up.  Yesterday I spent time trying to do Christmas gifts (ordering what i can online) and then last night I went to bible study. This morning I would normally go to my Beth Moore bible study but I don't have anyone to watch the kids, and then tomorrow morning I am going to my voice lessons.  Today Peter is at a meeting in Crookston all day, so I am sure it will be an extra long day. It always helps when he comes home for lunch to break up the day, but I dont think he will be home until at least 6.

It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is already next week! Then next weekend I have my friend's wedding. It will be a busy week I think. I wonder if it will ever slow down!!!

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