
Monday, October 18, 2010


Today ended up being a pretty good day. I was up for some of the night with an unexpected sore throat but it didn't bother me too much today. It was really painful.........finally at 1:50 i climbed out of bed with my eyes still glued shut and got a cough drop! I guess today kate was up when Peter woke up for work. She said she was really she asked for yogurt and juice, ate it up, and said, "I'm going back to bed".  That is definitely a first in this house.  "Bible Study", as kate calls it, went well today.  It was kind of review from what we were doing in Sunday School but it had a few different activities.  I ordered the CD and one of the children's bibles that go with it, along with 4-5 other Christmas gifts today too.  The whole lesson took 45 minutes, which isn't too bad. I actually thought it would take less.... so this is good! Parts were boring because she's been able to read ABCs and 123s for quite a while, but I think it will be good for Maddy to review. It was fun because when we went to her preschool screening, the nurse said she was the only one so far that could read letters. It made me feel like I did something right...especially when at times I feel like a complete failure. We also practiced cutting with a scissor, and to my surprise she caught on faster than I thought.

We also went for a walk this afternoon. We took: two babies, two strollers, and a backpack along.  Maddy kept up at first, but after 1/4 of the block she ditched her stroller. So, for a while I carried a stroller, then I carried Maddy, the baby, and the stroller,  and then Maddy took over and I carried Kate's baby.... and then the stroller got ditched a couple more times. Anyway, my plan is to try to go to bed early tonight. So I better go!! I will post pictures later.

1 comment:

  1. hope you are getting better… sore throat is not a lot of fun its just uncomfortable and difficult to swallow.

    usually, i would take the Nim Jiom Cough Syrup ( ) which has a thick consistency formulation. it coats the throat and includes herbs that are particularly good for that application.

    i hope it works on you as well.
