
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

granola and yogurt

we have gotten back into granola and yogurt. The last time I had this was in July I bet. This time I added pumpkin seeds and it really does make a difference. I'm just not at all a cereal person; i'd rather have a muffin or scone.  so far in about 3 or 4 days we've gone through 1 1/2 thirty-two oz yogurts.  Everyone except peter is eating yogurt!

I am really looking forward to my Beth Moore Bible study on Wednesday morning. I normally have voice lessons then but am looking to switch to Thursday. My mom said she was willing to watch the girls on this date so, we'll see how long i can keep up with the two. I don't love having something going on every day.. it just makes the week go by way too quick and I want to enjoy being home with the girls. They're growing up too fast.

Last night we went to GF to get some stuff before round 2 of beets. Peter got some things for the truck drivers at Sams and dropped me off at Joannes.  I bought a bunch of different material to make fabric flowers with, and then I found these two peices of material that were in the clearance section, but then had an extra 1/2 off!  So i paid 6 dollars for 2 yards of really nice material. I think it was even upholstery material... i'm not sure. I plan to make a pillow out of it for someone. Not sure who. Our church will be having a silent auction and i was thinking about making something for it, either something sewed, or a wreath, with my vine from my backyard.  well i should go and get started on dishes. The kids are happily listening to music and playing babies. They really are best friends.

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