
Saturday, August 14, 2010


Yesterday ended up being a really productive day. We had another sewing day at my mother in laws and I actually got a lot done on my quilt. I never intended to keep working on it because I can do a lot of it at home.. I wanted to start on a couple pillows or maybe my skirt, but I just kept working on my quilt because it was going fairly smooth. Here are some pictures of my progress. I sewed blocks of 10 across and 7 down, and then I had to sew strips together, which is what I finished last night while peter was still working:

Then, from those strips I have to iron good, and sew two together, then add more and more and then I will be done with that major part! The next step after that would be the borders, and then the backing, and then the binding. So i am excited and sad at the same time... what will I work on? Maybe i will start another quilt- either for maddy or for a gift for a friend. Once I know what i am doing, it goes by pretty quickly. But if i'm lost, then I feel like I dont want to do the quilt anymore. (Especially if I dont even know how to run my machine that well!)

Today I plan to go for a walk with the kids since it is cool, and do a few loads of laundry to ease up on my workload on monday, since that is my meal day. It feels good to not have to cook today-- so today I might do some buns and tomorrow maybe i will make some bars for Monday. I plan to make pot roast on Monday so it can be in the crock pot.  I just have to say that I am praising god right now for no rain.  This means if they get a good day in today, they will have about 2 or so days of combining left. I feel so thankful for their hard work in the field... for peter being able to support our family.I am happy to help them when I can.   Well I better go! Here's the girls yesterday.

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