
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

going well

Today was a pretty good day. I went to the gym to work out, and it went well. I ran a lot more than yesterday and burned more calories in a shorter time. I also tried to lift some weights to tone my butt, arms and legs.  I hope I am not just wasting my time!  And today I wasn't as hungry so I snacked less. I even made a chicken salad sandwhich for supper, and I could only eat half of it because I got full really quick. I had other vegetables too but I was really pleased. I am hoping for at least 2 weeks on this diet, and working out for 3-4 weeks.  I went for a walk this afternoon too so that helped.  Today was a good diet day.

I was busy in the kitchen most of the day too making food for the field, (noodle salad, cookies, baked potatoes, and packing up all the other things. I made some bread and chicken salad too. Good thing Emily was here to help me with that in the afternoon.  She is such a kind girl. I hope to be like her some day. Just so gentle and kind.

Well, here is a couple of my fav. pictures from the past couple days:

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