
Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Here's a picture of the berry wreath I made. It looked great against my door but I gave it away to our Girls Night Out party...which was soo much fun!  I took home a scrapbooking bag, (which I use for quilting instead) and I am really happy with the rest of the items I got.  FYI, we brought items and traded... kind of like shopping but without paying for them!

Yesterday I spent a lot of time trying to get the house clean from the week. I didn't clean much at all last week so I had about 2 weeks worth of laundry to put away, i washed all sheets, and during nap time I washed the kitchen floor and cleaned up the kitchen, and then i also vacuumed in the morning. There was gravel everywhere. I have been excited to do all these different crafts. I still have to finish kate's quilt, but I am looking for a border or two to go around it, and then I can finish. But in the meantime, I am excited to work on another berry-acorn wreath for my door, and some acorn napkin rings! And I want to do an acorn picture frame. If it is decent out, I want to take some pictures of the girls for fall, even though it is not quite fall, but I bought a really cute dress for Maddy, (unfortunately it's a bit too long!) and some sparkly black leggings. Anyway, last night I looked at some quilt ideas for Maddy that I want to start. I am also going to try to make a few throw pillows for the living room with some cute floral fabric I found. I will take pictures when I finish, of course.

I am reading a book called "So long Insecurity" by Beth Moore, and I have been stopping all that I do at night and at 9pm about, I go to the bedroom and read.  I do get sleepy, and I have been falling asleep much faster. But I have to juggle my cleaning and 'fun' crafty projects during naptime and after they go to bed. I am working on becoming more efficient, like doing dishes while i'm cooking/baking (which is sooo helpful!) and cleaning up my messes right away after I am done.  well better go now, coffee time is over!

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