
Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 2

Today was another fun-filled day. This morning I rushed to get ready to pick strawberries.

After that, we ate some lunch and went home for naps. Unfortunately, after a half hour-45 minutes, Maddy woke up screaming in pain from teething. She was unhappy most of the day. I felt so bad for her, but all I could do was give her Tylenol. We left to visit my friend Sarah in Crookston, to see her new house she bought with her soon to be husband, Cole. I took engagement pictures for them (you can view in the tags portion of the blog).    Maddy slept the whole way there, and the whole way back. I am a little nervous for tonight. I hope she sleeps through the night.  When I got back, I put away the groceries I bought, and watered all the plants and weeded the garden. That took about 45 minutes. Got done almost at 10:00!

I should go to bed soon... I just know it will be hard to fall asleep. My movie didn't come for date night!

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