
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Back to reality

It was so nice to get away. To kick back and relax. But one thing I learned, coming home is the pits! The kids always behave lots better at grandma and grandpas and the stresses of the world are waiting for us when we get back. Immediately when I am trying to go to sleep, I am stressing. Why is that?    So today I am in a disappointing mood. It is really hard when Satan is throwing bricks at us to keep us down. 

The weekend was really nice.  We didn't have to think about kids, or work, or the lists of things that we have to do each day. We just enjoyed each other, and for once, we didn't feel guilty! The last month or so, it has been hard because Peter's been gone, either working long hours on the farm or doing other activities.  So it was nice to be with just him. 

We celebrated our day on Monday,  with a dinner at the Nicolet Island Inn.  I had salmon, and Peter had a fish prepared in a way I cannot pronounce. Our appetiser (above)  was a selection of three different cheeses, paired with apple slices or grapes.
Then, to my surprise, he called in a carriage ride!

Then I got to our hotel to a surprise!

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