
Saturday, June 12, 2010


Last night was supposed to be date night. But because we were both tired, we skipped it. I begged my oldest sister to come take the kids for a few hours. She's involved with the ambulance crew, and was on call, but in case she had to leave, my parents would have took over and we would have picked up the kids.  It was so nice to be at home and have a little break.  Maddy is teething, so the constant whining and crying has been overwhelming. And she actually slept in til 7:15 today, instead of 6!!  I'm so thankful.

I decided to ask my sister to take the kids because I hardly ever get help and I just need to be asking more, especially if they're wanting and willing to see the girls.  I just have a hard time bothering people when I feel I am fully capable of taking care of them myself. There's nothing wrong with a break once in a while :) It felt soo good!! We ate dinner in silence and I didnt have to get up once during the meal. Then i cleaned up a little bit and Peter wanted to go look at the bean field next to town. So we went to the store to get some more popsicles and checked out the field. We were going to start the movie at 7 but decided to just relax. I worked on my quilt!! I finished cutting on the first page of my directions and began to pin actual blocks!! After i sew those together, I have more cutting to do (boo) and then i get to sew more blocks together, bigger blocks. I am hoping today I can do some sewing. Whether its during nap or if peter feels well enough to watch them for a little bit. It would have been nice to get it done for kates birthday but... its already in one week. There's no way I can get it done, especially if I get sick.  I am praying really hard I don't get sick.  I really want to go to church, and I really want to go to my small group bible study in Kennedy. I've already missed 2 weeks due to sicknesses but I've kept up with my workbook and have watched the dvds for those two sessions.  Anyway, I should start my day now. I will most likely be outside if its not too cold and hopefully we can have a fun day today.

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