
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Date Night

Well last night we watched Avatar. We are currently doing Netflix. So every Friday we get a new movie....and I was really skeptical about Avatar but it was a really good movie !   I loved it. It was 2 hours and 40 minutes I think but we started it early enough to get done at 11:20. We ended up going to bed about 12 and then the girls got up at 6:45.   Today we are going golfing at the Lancaster golf course. I am not thinking I will do very good because its my first time golfing this year. Lots of people from church are going, along with some from the Lancaster church, so it will be fun to hang out and get to know more people.  Then on Sunday I am helping on the worship team and we have a meal afterward at church.  Like always, a fun weekend ahead. We continue to pray for NO RAIN!!

Today is Aria's fundraising rummage sale in Detroit Lakes.  We are also praying that the weather is good... (It's supposed to rain there)  that it doesnt get rained out or prevent people from coming. Now that they know what's wrong with Aria, they have lots of expensive machines to get for Aria so that she can live at home.

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