
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Always Busy!

Yes. Story of my life. I have been so thankful for Emily, who is helping our families this summer. She comes a couple days a week to help watch the girls. I have been spending my time getting 'ahead' in the house and also just getting day-to-day chores done.  The last couple weeks though I have been trying to get large projects complete- such as staining the deck (half done) and staining/varnishing the dining room door, and then just organizing closets, kitchen cupboards, and rooms. I have also been trying to work on my quilt but that has taken the back burner for a week and a half. I haven't touched it for a while, but hopefully that will change next week. This week I have done a lot of baking, a lot of cooking, and a lot of cleaning. On the days that Emily is not here I just spend with my girls. No cleaning. Yesterday I took them to Peters baseball game, to DQ, and to the park. Yes, they went to bed about 9:30 which is wayyyy late! But it was so worth it. Maddy was happy almost the whole time, which is very rare, and kate had a blast.  Here are my favorite pictures from the weekend and part of this week: *PS This is Julia, my new niece!

I just realized that I never posted anything about Kate's birthday party. Oh well. It went good. I will have to post some other time. Right now I need to do my devotions and then its off to bed for this tired momma!

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