
Friday, May 7, 2010

Lots to do

Today is Friday and I've got lots to do this weekend. I am preparing for a Mothers Day lunch after church. I just finished making granola and on the agenda today I plan to make orange rolls (to freeze for only a day... unfortunately, why didnt I think of this last week??!)   Tomorrow I plan to make a dessert for Sunday, maybe a banana bread, and possibly cut up some of the fruit. Plus the house needs to get in order, which I tried to do some yesterday.

Maddy's appointment went well. I forgot the stroller, so when I went to the mall to return a shirt, I had to carry Maddy and Kate tiptoed along, very slowly :)   Then at her appointment, she had 5 shots and one finger poke.  When we went to lunch at Denny's, they were understaffed and had to wait 35-40 minutes just to get our food.  It was pancakes for the girls and a salad for me. 40 minutes! Oh well, going alone with the kids only makes me stronger!

I got summoned for jury duty again.  When I got home I cried when I read the letter. It was the icing on the cake. Now Kate's dentist appt will have to be rescheduled and I am not 100% I can go to my photography class on Tuesday.  On a better note, I went to the prayer hour last night at 8.  It was refreshing to go and during the last 5-10 minutes you were to be silent and let God fill you with things he wants you to be praying about.  It was so fun to see all the images and prayers that I wouldnt normally think of come to mind. For instance, one of them was the abortion clinic in Fargo.

Now today I plan to wash some clothes and work on my list.  Its sad to me that this weather is so crummy!! We did go outside for a little bit yesterday and played on the new swingset, but it was not fun to be in the cold. I am certainly not hoping for rain, but i wish Peter didnt have to work tomorrow. Well I better go!

PS, Kate's favorite phrase to use lately after everything: "That would be fun!"  (except maybe if i said anything about going on the potty :))

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