
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Is planting over?

I feel like I haven't seen my husband for a long time. This week is the busiest for him though, because he is planting beets for the first time.  He started yesterday, with the interruption of a dentist appointment that was scheduled 2 weeks ago. He got a phone call saying the dentist had a bad illness (it must have been pretty serious) so all appointments needed to be canceled and rescheduled. His only option was this week (because he needed to get a crown and a filling...)   I told him to switch dentists a long time ago so I think he will finally listen.  His experience with planting beets was going well until he had to leave for his dentist appointment. He came back to his planter making weird beeping noises so he was worried most of the night about it.  I realize all this happened for a reason but just not sure why.  It seems like everything is such a rollercoaster. 

Anyway i was just going to post that some pictures that I took of the scrapbook weekend are on the website.  You can find them here.   I am hoping I can get some exercising in. Lately I have been feeling like I dont look nice in any of my clothes. If anything i've gained a few pounds but it shouldnt leave me feeling the way I have been about myself.  I just wish I could finally be happy. How thin does one have to be before they're satisfied?  I am going to try to work hard at lifting my daughteres self esteem up so they dont have to feel like I do now!  We as mothers can make a difference! A friend from bible study said that even mentioning in front of our kids that we're fat or complaining of the way we look really affects them. Soon they will start to do it.  Isn't that awful?    

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