
Thursday, April 1, 2010

I can't believe...

it's almost Easter! and Madelyn's First Birthday will be celebrated on Saturday.  She was born on the 7th, but we are celebrating a few days early because all of our family will be around on Saturday.  Today I am finishing up the buns. I made one batch in the bread machine so we could have some for supper and the rest (30) I did today. They still have to be baked and it's 9 pm.  I was also supposed to make the ice cream tonight but ran out of time. It has been tiring picking up toys all day long but I managed to get a lot done in spite of it.  The girls took a great nap so I cleaned the basement! It wasn't on my list but it was on my "spring cleaning" list-- and I had the time so I thought I would get it done.  We had literally 8 or 9 laundry soap containers down there that needed to be rinsed out and recycled. I also emptied the garbage and swept and threw a bunch of stuff away.  Sheets and whites were washed today too.

Since it's been so nice out this week we havent spent a ton of time indoors, so this morning I finally got to vacuum the bedrooms and empty garbages.  Kate went along side me with her play vacuum and Maddy followed us around with a few whimpers here and there.  I'm in process of cleaning windows but handprints make their way on them right after :)  

Tomorrow (Friday) we are going to grand forks to get food supplies and get the new swingset for the girls. I am excited but think it will take a while to be built. Kate will be soooo happy.  We are also going to shop a little for some Easter outfits for Peter and hopefully I can find something too. I hope it doesnt take all day but I am kind of guessing it might. We have a lot on our todo list.

Tomorrow I have to make the cakes and cupcakes for the party, and the ice cream, and decorate. Saturday I suppose will be spent cleaning up toys and decorating the cakes and cupcakes. And of course making the pulled pork and coleslaw. I am trying not to leave everything for Saturday but that's hard when you want everything as fresh as possible.  Well I better go and try to decorate some. We will be gone all day tomorrow so I want to get some more things off my list.  Here's is Maddy's invitations I made for her birthday. It is nothing special but I thought they were unique and just for her.


  1. kristen those invotes are TOOO cute!! you are so creative!!!

  2. Thanks amber, I actually got the idea from one of the blogs I have listed to the side. The only difference is I changed the ribbon and she had a scalloped border in the middle, and I added the grass and flowers. I used the "Chomper" to round the edges. It is probably the best tool I have. I got it cheaper at
