
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring Fever

Right now Peter is at his bible study and both kids are in bed, so i have a quick minute to write.  Today has been a very productive day. Both girls napped in the afternoon so I decided to go up to my scrapbooking room to clean.  I cleaned the whole two hours! Two garbage bags later, (mind you, this is one small room) I felt really good at how much was accomplished. You could see my desk, the computer was hooked up better, and I had all of our things filed properly and cleaned out. I found all of our manuals.....I hope our oven one is in there :) 

My plan is to maybe take out my scrapbooking supplies and put them in a spot in my upstairs coming right off the stairs. There's a little nook in the corner - which we figure would be a bathroom someday if we ever remodeled. It has a window, and just the right spot for my table. We kept our old bathroom sink, so we thought it would be cool to put some laminent ontop and make it into a scrapbooking station. I could put my cricut on there, and use the drawers for my punches, stamps, and ink (and other things)  I dont know, just a thought.  Is that logical? Peter doesnt think so, becuase it's not an enclosed area, so he figures I wont keep up with it and it will appear messy to everyone who comes upstairs. Also, the girls might get into my stuff....   My reply was... true.....  but........ I want to try it. It's so much brighter there and I feel that space is wasted.  If i dont use that space for scrapbooking, then I might still buy the laminent and use it for an ironing workspace. Then I can just iron up there instead of drag it downstairs. I dont know. Just a thought.All i know is that i used my time wisely and worked like a mad woman with the time alone I had.

I also cut my plants to start new ones, and planted some Thyme. I am waiting to get some grass seeds to start a little inside yard.  Easter decorations are up too (up a week or two ago).  Getting ready for spring!

I am too lazy to upload any pictures, sorry, and i've got to do dishes and my bible study.. until later!

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