
Sunday, March 14, 2010

A slightly new space

Last year we had the priveledge to put together a shoe box for children who do not get gifts for Christmas. We gave two shoe boxes and dropped it off in Fargo pretty much the last day that it could be done. There was even a "tracker" so that you could have sent to your inbox where the shoe box went. I just got in the mail a newsletter of some snapshots of the kids who got gifts. So worth it!!

We also sponsor a couple children from Haiti, and sometimes we receive letters of pictures they've drawn, etc.  This time I received a letter from Jean (the boy I sponsor) and in the letter was this:

How great, that he can write his name, and write numbers!!  Without his sponsorship, he would not be able to go to school and learn to these things. For the little money it is per month to sponsor... this is also sooo worth it.

We did some cleaning this weekend. Well, all week. So much "spring cleaning" got done.  Our two main, deep closets got cleaned out, mopped, and neatly organized in a matter of a few hours of both peter and I going through old treasures. I found the wedding bin I had and i literally still had about 50 little bottles of bubbles from our wedding. Ok, can you say, "let go"? 

Bins were labeled and now theres lots of bare space to store more things. I couldnt fit the camera to take a picture of the other half of the closet but now our old winter jackets will be stored hanging and baby toys.

This is the picture of the new space I want to make my scrapbooking headquarters :)  It is messy right now, obviously, we took most of the trash to peters pickup but there's still a lot that we put in that corner. Just envision finishing the trim on the windows, cute curtains and the old sink you see there would have laminent on top and pushed to the opposite side, possibly a large cabinet, and my scrapbooking table would be under the window. The window would be slightly open to enjoy fresh air !

This is where I do my stuff, see? so dark.

Here are some other fun pictures:

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