
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Weekend Away

Yesterday we arrived in Bemidji.  It is nice to get spend time with family.  Sleeping didnt go too bad, but we are all tired today. Right now the girls are taking naps and I am waiting for them to get up. I hope they sleep for a little while so they can catch up on what they lost last night. 

We didnt do too much yesterday, except swim and go out to eat. Kate had tons of fun swimming!! It was by far the best swimming place for both Maddy and Kate to swim. It had a little "beach" area for Maddy to sit and play in the water- she could crawl and watch the kids play.  Kate mostly went down the slide about 200 times. It was just her size too. She did climb up the stairs and slip though. She fell backwards into the water and I thought for sure she would be scared to go down again, but she wasnt.  I didnt snap many pictures.

This morning we woke up early at 6:30 and just hung around our room for a little bit until we got ready. We went to the mall where I picked up a few outfits for the girls. I am still debating whether or not to keep the one I bought for Kate. It was a huge sale. Plus coupons for 20% off and etc. I picked up some socks for me. That's all I could really find that I wanted to spend money on.  Soon we might go sledding, so hopefully that will be fun for kate.  Well I should go now.  They are both up!

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