
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Photo shoot with kate & maddy

I am glad that blogger can save drafts. I have been uploading and putting pictures up for a few days now, and i finally get to post them. I dont have much time to write but I thought i would at least take the time to put something up since it's been a few days. Anyway, it's hard to remember what pictures i've put up on facebook, but most of these you've probably already seen.  These were taken so that i could mail out a valentines day card, which is coming soon. They just need to be picked up. So if anyone is going to walmart before wednesday this week, let me know! Well i guess i need to go - i already ran out of time.  I might blog more later but there is cleaning to do after a fun superbowl party we hosted. we had 4 other couples -- and it was a success. It is so nice to be able to do things with friends, even though we all have kids. I am glad for kate, because she really had a fun time. More later.

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