
Saturday, January 23, 2010

there's a storm brewin'....

today is saturday. I am on the couch with my warm rice bag. You know what time of month it is.... yes, it came yesterday, the day of my appointment. Luckily I wasnt planning on going anyway becuase of the freezing drizzle predicted. I made the appointment for the upcoming Monday, so we'll see if i get there or not.

I havent been taking a lot of pictures, but some. I will post those soon. I am listening to peter and kate do dishes. This last week, starting Tuesday, Maddy has had a fever for the most part, and just cut her top right tooth on Thursday! I hope she gets better. She's had an awful cough this week. Kate had a runny nose for about a day, and then i am just getting over a cold that I"ve had for a couple days. Now I am back to being 'sick' again, which is ok. At least peter is home to help.

Last night we had our weekly date night. We joined netflix and we get a movie each week, and this week "fireproof' came in the mail. We dont get to decide which movie comes, we just sign up for about 6 or so. I was soo impressed with the movie. I wish I could watch movies like that every week. It just had a really good message. I mean, for sure the actors werent the greatest, but I dont even care! It was, I think, all done by a church. So anyway, peter and I left our livingrooms just feeling really good and convicted. and thankful for eachother. now today he is doing dishes for me and I get to sit and play on my blog. I would like to cut some fabric for kate's quilt... i will post pictures of that too--my progress. anyway, there's supposed to be this big storm coming. We were a little worried that the freezing rain would turn into freezing power lines=no power. So last night I got some water saved in a couple of old milk jugs.... just in case.

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