
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Just two weeks

In about 2 weeks, we close on our house!  I am beyond excited.  Things are finally coming together. All the last minute details are almost complete.  For sure it has been overwhelming and stressful at times, but much better than I anticipated, truly!

It was just a year ago this little seed was planted in our head in Marco Florida.  It has been something we've talked about and prayed about for a long time, but waiting for the right time.  I can see that God has paved the way.  Sometimes I wonder how I can doubt his provision.

Honestly Id love to share every detail. But unfortunately I am fearful of judgements made on us and our decisions. I'd like to be one of those bloggers who shares any good ideas she came across, to help others in their building process. After all, it is those exact pages on pinterest that helped us build our own home. I'm so grateful!

 Opening up though, is hard for me.  The pendulum can swing hard both ways. You can overshare, and get lots of criticism or secret eye rolls and gossip behind your back.  And then you can isolate and not share anything, and find yourself with less friends.