
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Making Time

It has been entirely too long.  A friend of mine stirred me to get going again. Really, I love to blog. Especially when I have readers! And especially when I can talk about encouraging things, like what's happening in our homeschool world.  It's so fun to look back on, and for the first time in a year or so, I looked back on some of the recent posts I had done; and it made me so happy! It made me feel that I had done something right.

Blogging makes me really uneasy at times. Knowing that some who know you might read it and judge. My hope is to encourage and to build others up through this blog and maybe even along the way, I might have some good ideas to pass along too. So here goes... We start school in about two weeks! (formally)   Lately we have been doing school here and there to get used to it, and to refresh. I thought it was also important to try to get a little cushion room for when we take trips and enjoy life together.   So here's my plea.  I want to make time for this! I want to make time for photos.  But I also don't want condemnation when I can't. But I certainly want to.

Our reading nook

We go here for devotions

summer picnics

Start of harvest!

Garden lettuce

First time sushi! LOVE!

Preparing for school

Coffee... a must

Fair time

First time English Muffins

Family Reunions

Favorite sandwhich

Hat wishlist
