
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Homeschool, Week 9

In our home-school this week....I've got to somehow stop the glorification of being busy. Who was I kidding that life would slow down after harvest? Now we've got church activities, bible studies, dance....and soon that only leaves one or two open nights a week. Sometimes less.  That is one reason we decided to stop and take our two oldest to Disney land!! We told them Friday night :)
This week was the letter "I". I also started Maddy on some reading. She is doing GREAT! She is starting to blend letters. Just two for now, such as "at" "ag" "ap". This week we will add another letter for a three-letter word. Kate is reading more and more. They are doing so well. I am so very proud of them.
Places we're going, people we're seeing....

Playdough Cupcakes with real toppings
Halloween activities, dance, birthday parties... a little bit of everything. It's been a really good week. Challenging, but still really good. It seems like we've gone through a lot of hoops and we've made it through it.

Things I'm working on....
Battling Satan! Trying to overcome certain "idols" in my life and really taking my thoughts captive..... and replacing them with truth. Very challenging, but worth it. God has been so faithful to instruct all I need each day, and it's up to me to apply and be a "doer" of the word! Very encouraging this week.  

My favorite thing this week was....
 spending extra time with peter, sacrificing my own things to see his joy in whatever we did together. I am so grateful I could be encouraging to him.
Things I'm Cooking/Eating This Week

Chicken Panini

Smore Pizza. Only a couple bites, so good!

Granola Bars as a gift

Mahi-Mahi with mango salsa


Half Pork sandwich with sweet potato and jelly

Fav. snack: rice cake cereal with fruit

Bananas with greek yogurt

Pumpkin Pie Shake!

Gingersnap Cookies with Pumpkin Ice cream

I'm grateful for...
a GREAT weekend, date with Peter last week, encouragement

I'm praying for....
safety and health for our trip to Disney, that it'd be a refreshing time for us and bonding time with the oldest girls.   praying for courage and victory over Satan. Good food choices, and peace. 

A photo, video, or quote to share
favorite pants, mug, and coffee!

Happy Halloween

Time with God on Sunday afternoons

date night!