
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Homeschool, Week 5

In our home-school this week....
We worked on the letter E, started a new chapter book, did LOTS of crafts, learning about Moses, Kate is really starting to take off in reading(!!) Maddy is really coming along in letter recognition and writing.... I am just so impressed and proud of my girls!

Places we're going, people we're seeing...
   We've had a couple play dates; I remember the week before feeling so very discouraged in my time with friends (which really is hardly any time) and we've had a couple opportunities to spend time with friends this week, so I chose to do just that! We finished school at another time-- that is the beauty of homeschooling. We took an hour and a half off one afternoon to visit with a couple of moms and their kids, and finished later.  It was perfect.  We went to dance again, and baked a lot this weekend.

My favorite thing this week was....
Spending extra time with Maddy on her letters, playing Alphabet bingo with the kids, and reading with Ella.

Things I'm working on....
Baby steps again! Focussing on "the now" and not the "whoa, I've got a long road ahead". It is so easy for me to be discouraged on how much work I want God to fix on me, - I just need to take baby steps and when I am feeling my selfishness rise, or my fleshly desires, I just need to stop and get through THIS moment.  

Things I'm Cooking

pork chops with roasted onions and apples, super (super good)

pumpkin donuts


candy corn pudding pops

I'm grateful for
encouraging ladies, fun times with the kids, healthy options that satisfy, times when I can exercise and feel really good about myself, our kids showing growth spiritually, coffee. pumpkins.

I'm praying for....
godly friendships, a new perspective, beets to go well, discipline in all things.

A photo, video, or quote to share 

new stroller!