
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

the busyness...

I can't believe it's already December 19th.  Where does the time go?  It sure does fly when one is busy.  So often I try to stop and just enjoy and be more aware of what's going on....but it's so hard. There's school to teach, babies to rock and feed and dress; meals to make, laundry to wash. How do you stop and enjoy?  Recently I have been going through flylady again to help simplify and get small amounts of cleaning done each day. Extra cleaning other than the daily grind.  I have been trying really hard to get a load of laundry done a day. That truly helps.

 The past couple weeks we got to watch Kate and Maddy in their ballet recital.  That was so much fun. They were really excited too.  It was fun for them to go, but I am really happy to not have one more thing to do. I am still deciding if I will let them join in the spring, too.   We probably will but we'll just see what happens.

Tonight I am hosting some ladies over for supper and appetizers. Of course the weirdo in me wants to re-arrange the whole house, make it perfectly organized and in order.  I realize that will not happen. Today I read about dying to self and not loving the world.  I was going work out this morning; I got up at 6 to do so. But the last 5 minutes of my pump, Ella woke up. So, I cuddled with her instead. I felt like God wants me to not care about what people think of the messy house. So today, I will do what I can, but I am also going to read Christmas stories to the kids, do a baby Jesus craft, and sing Christmas songs with them.  I'll do some crafts and school too. What I can get done, I'll get done, and it will be fine.  No one will care.  My goal is not to impress people, but to welcome my home as a way of fellowship and to spend time with friends, which I dont get to do very often.  I am really looking forward to it!